Firstly I'd like to wish those reading this blog a very happy 2013. We (my family and myself) had a pretty good 2012 and a really nice Christmas, the children are at that age where it is all so magical (Dylan is 3 and Daisy is nearly 2).
Also with the final sorting out of a medical condition over the next couple of months that has kept me feeling tired and dopey for several years,the sorting out of which is causing a lovely dizzy sensation,(ah, the joys of uneeded medication from a wrong diagnosis!!...), I'm personally hoping to get more motivation and 'raise my creative game' a bit!!!!
I am very much hoping and certainly going to try to make more money from turning and general wood based item production this year and in the future as this is what I love doing so much. This will involve making more non-art things but I will still make sure to make (plenty of) time to pursue my artistic path.
Anyway, enough of that, you come here to see my work not listen to my whining!! LOL
Sand blasted Oak |
Here's the first hollow form of the year, well not strictly, it was turned last year but has been decorated/finished this week and that is the important bit for me!
Luckily for me Father Christmas brought me a shot blast cabinet (I was clearly a good boy last year!!). I've wanted one pretty much since starting turning as I love the textures created by them on wood as it mimics the way wood on the beach goes and I've loved that look since being a small child.
This is the first piece textured with it and I'm very happy with the result. The star design is all part of the timber(not stuck on) and has just been dyed black to highlight the open grain so that it continues through from the 'eroded' grain pattern and a dark yellow over that to help the stars 'stand out' without being too brightly coloured.
I have more ideas along these lines to produce so watch this space........:)